The International Quality Awards: Interview with Vince Desmond, CEO at CQI

Marc Gardner and Emily Hill from Qualsys Ltd recently interviewed Vince Desmond, acting CEO at the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), to learn more about the CQI's goals and vision, how the quality profession is changing, and the new CQI Quality Awards. 

In this blog, Vince talks about what the CQI Quality Awards aim to achieve. Alternatively watch more of the interviews here. 

Vince Desmond, CQI's Acting CEO

Raising quality's profile

We need to work on the image of quality, that image that suggests "we're going to check your homework".

We really need to reposition quality as a business partner who's going to help you to make the business better. This message is much more attractive for the business and it's much more effective to achieve the purpose of the profession.

We've identified that one of the key weaknesses of the profession, and the CQI, is marketing. We need to celebrate the profession's amazing achievements. 

This is the first International Quality Awards, which we're delighted Qualsys is supporting. We need to know what projects quality managers are working on and celebrate their successes.

The International Quality Awards can only be good for careers, businesses and for the CQI.

CQI Quality Awards

Get recognised. Build your organisation's reputation. Define the profession. 

The International Quality Awards are an interesting thing.

The first thing is that the quality profession can shine a light on what it does. This will help raise the profile of quality. The awards are going to help other parts of the organisation understand what we do, and encourage and recognise success. Helping quality professionals to get recognition is important. 

It's important as well because organisations can demonstrate to their suppliers, customers and partners that they're good at quality and they're a good organisation to work with.

From the partner's perspective, we're all swimming in the same pond. CQI and Qualsys share an aspiration that organisations benefit from really exemplary quality management.

We have great organisations standing shoulder to shoulder. We have employers, recruiters and technology companies. We're all trying to solve a complex puzzle on how we improve the quality profession. With our partners, this message is more powerful that the International Quality Awards is not just the CQI. It's a message from the entire community that this is really important.

Start now – Applications close 31 July 2017

There are five category awards: 

  • Quality Professional of the Year
  • Emerging Talent
  • Leadership 
  • Quality Team
  • New Project 

You don't have to be a member of the CQI to enter the awards.


CQI Quality Awards


Topics: CQI

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