CQI releases The Future of Work report

The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) has launched its latest industry publication, The Future of Work, which raises awareness around the pace and nature of change driven by the digital revolution, and how individuals and organisations can best prepare for the future.  


CQI Future of Work report


Big data. The Internet of Things. Corporate social responsibility. The automation of quality.

These global trends might still be far-off buzzwords on the distant horizon for your organisation.

Or they might have already started to change how your business and your approach to quality management operate.

And the CQI's new report makes it clear that this change will only deepen and accelerate.


CQI report


How will the quality professional's role as 'conscience of the organisation' be forced to change?

What will the Voice of the Customer (VoC) be saying in 10 years?

And how can the quality department work with the technology sector to deliver value for stakeholders in unprecedented ways?

Access The Future of Work report from the CQI website to learn more.


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Access the report here:


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Topics: CQI, Reporting

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