Evolving the Qualsys brand

Quality is going through a really exciting metamorphosis.

For too long, quality was living in isolation. Seen as a challenge, a barrier or an overhead, called upon only when something went wrong. And for many, there's been a glass wall between 'quality' and 'operations' which has led to a culture of 'them and us'. 

Now, with the help of industry experts, changes in standards, and tools which facilitate excellence, the role of quality is moving from one of administration to one which focuses on strategy, vision and innovation.

All this change has led Qualsys to ask some real questions, like what business are we really in? Yes, we provide software, but that's a tool. What we really offer is a cultural tool for change. This requires partnership, commitment, knowledge, time and energy.   

We recognised there was a need to update our visual identity and launch a new website with lots of exciting new changes. 

Below, we've shared the journey of our brand, unveiled our new identity and provided a glimpse into some of the new services and products which will be available on the new website. 

Where we started 

Qualsys was founded in 1995 offering consultancy services and a very different version of our document control software. The company grew steadily, acquiring a number of heavily-regulated businesses as long-standing customers. 

Over time, we packaged our software solution EQMS as an electronic quality management system, offering a range of different modules to choose from. 

What was working

Back in March 2016, we were on track to not only double our customers, but doubling our team too.

The leadership team wanted to make sure we understood what was working and how, and why customers who had budgets to spend with huge companies like IBM were choosing us. 

After a number of workshops, customer research exercises and interviews with the industry experts, we began to build a bigger picture about what industry we're really in.

We looked at what we were good at. 

Quality  Others Qualsys 
Focus Compliance  Excellence 
Time spent Administration Strategy, innovation and vision
Relationship Client Partnership, investment, time and energy
Leadership See quality as an overhead Actively engage with quality
Need Certificate on the wall Vital part of business growth
Team Quality manager Every employee playing a part
Role Job

Make our customers heroes – quality as a career

Presence In isolation

Natural and invisible

Vision Command and control Culture as competitive advantage
System Quality management system Business management system


Our software and services have resulted in some exceptional customer success stories.

However, the identity of our brand was not reflecting what we stand for, and we were failing to give a full picture on our website of all the services we provide. 

Calling in the experts

To ensure our culture, relationships and personality was reflected in our visual identity, we called upon the services of brand and marketing agency UppB2B, who have experience working with brands such as DHL, Rolls Royce and the BBC. 

In the first phase of the project, we explored the 'essence' of our brand.

UppB2B talked to employees across the company and led a workshop. Mel Daggett, Account Manager at UppB2B, said: "After extensive market research, customer feedback and brand workshops with the team at Qualsys, it was clear there's something really special about what Qualsys stand for. 

"When we got to the real 'why' for Qualsys, it wasn't that the company simply provide software," Mel said. "It was all about making their customers more profitable, efficient, resilient, scalable and trustworthy. Qualsys knows it takes investment, time, energy and commitment to ensure governance, risk and compliance becomes natural and invisible. They're making compliance and quality not just for the quality manager, but providing solutions for the whole organisation. We're confident the new identity and website will reflect Qualsys's values and services."

A glimpse at the new visual identity



A vibrant, fresh and bold logo to reflect our mission to make quality approachable and accessible to all. 




Integrated EQMS solutions.png


We will update our documentation with the new colour palettes. 



Our software will adopt the updated branding, but the first experience of the new brand will come through the website. We'll start the process of updating the whole brand throughout 2018 and all customers' applications, touchpoints and interactions with Qualsys will reflect the new look. 

We'll also be moving away from solely offering "EQMS" and offering a range of software solutions, including ISMS, EMS, QHSE and BMS. 



Over the next few weeks, you'll see a complete overhaul of our website. The product offering, services and industry relationships will be more noticeable. 


Beyond the visual elements 

Design was only one part of the effort. Realising the new identity needed the collective work and diligence of our team, partners and customers. Our entire community deserves credit for making Qualsys the confident, trusted and innovative company that it is today. 

As we move forward creating new innovations, we hope every interaction with Qualsys will delight you.

Topics: New features

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