EQMS New Features and New Releases

We are pleased to announce a raft of new releases to both EQMS functionality and feature sets. A range of the features and modules have been released and are available on current version of the system. 

There are also a host of new compliance and risk management modules which will be available very early in the new year.

Current new releases:

Document Manager

You can now work from EQMS Document Manager without even having to enter the application, it can work as part of you every day role, using;

  • Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint Add-Ins
  • Outlook Exchange Add-In
  • Sharepoint App
  • Android and Apple App

PDF Overlays:

The PDF overlay function ensures that when a document is exported or printed, that key document control information is recorded as a footer; for example the date, document type, void if printed statement, e-signature, user name etc. 

EQMS Audit Manager:

  • Plan and schedule audits with ease
  • View all audit activity at a glance
  • Create new audits from stored templates
  • Record status, milestone dates and any other required data
  • Build reusable lists of audit questions 
  • Raise findings and actions associated with questions 
  • Set non-conformance triggers for question responses

EQMS Training Manager:

  • Assign training requirements by individual, group or role
  • Verify course completion
  • Automated re-training scheduling
  • Record details of training providers and their performance
  • View record of training undertaken by individual
  • Identification of training gaps
  • Automated email and to do list notifications and escalation of training reminders
  • Storage of certificates and evidence of course completion
  • Management reports

CAPA Manager

  • Record and track issues / complaints / incidents etc.
  • View Issues for defined periods by status
  • Classify issue source for further analysis
  • Build reusable workflow templates for each class of issue
  • Automate investigation with step-by-step action (eg root cause analysis)
  • Automate corrective/ preventive actions with workflow-enabled functionality
  • Track actions through to ensure  issue resolution and verification
  • Management reports 

Releases due early in 2013:

Risk Manager

  • Identify and record risk assessments
  • Automatically segregate and classify risk
  • Define probability of occurrence and likely impact
  • Automate  action to avoid, transfer, mitigate or accept risk by the appropriate individuals
  • Apply Risk Ratings
  • Management Reports
  • Automatic lookup and display of related investigations

 Supplier Manager

  • Store Supplier details in the database
  • Store Supplier evaluation and rating records
  • Supplier Approval Process with configurable automated workflow
  • Track non-conformances with  automated workflow through to problem resolution
  • Automate corrective/ preventive actions with workflow-enabled functionality
  • Management Reports

KPI Management Dashboard
GRC Dashboard

  • Dynamic real time reporting
  • Customisable screen and report view
  • Extensive list of  reporting capability
  • Customised reports
  • Permission driven
 For more information please feel free to contact us:
Click to contact us

Topics: New features, Quality Management Software, Risk Management, Software, Document Management

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