10 reasons you should enter the CQI's International Quality Awards

The CQI's International Quality Awards is now accepting applications for awards in the following categories: 

Quality Professional of the Year 

Emerging Talent Award 

Leadership Award 

Quality Team of the Year 

Quality Professional in a New Project

If you're not sure whether to enter, here are 10 reasons why you definitely should. 

Quality Awards.png

1) Why shouldn't you win?  

Many people feel they have to wait to be recognised: to be promoted, to be hired, to be selected for an award. 

The most successful people look for ways to accelerate their career. Make the most of the opportunity the International Quality Awards presents. It's a chance for you to talk about what you do best. After all, why shouldn't you win?

2) Promote yourself or your team

We know you do some truly transformational work. We see it every day. It's about time you got recognised for all your hard work. 

To inspire you to get started, here are some examples of projects we've witnessed: 

3) Demonstrate your leadership potential

CQI Competency Framework

The CQI's Competency Framework has leadership as one of its core competencies. Part of a leader's role is to communicate the importance of quality and the value it can bring. ISO 9001:2015, for example, requires leadership to:

  • Inform stakeholders of the importance of the quality management system
  • Tell stakeholders why they should participate in its effective implementation
  • Promote risk-based thinking in respect of their organisation’s quality management system

There probably isn't a better opportunity to tell, inform and promote quality in your organisation than entering an award with the CQI. 

4) Plan, do, check, act

Just by entering the awards, you're taking the opportunity to reflect on your achievements and plan how you can improve. Set aside a couple of hours or a "Lunch and Learn" session to think about what you and your team have done really well and use the awards application form as a framework. By the end of the session, you'll have a completed application form you can send off to the CQI. 

Furthermore, by getting involved with the International Quality Awards, you'll be able to reflect and learn from hundreds of other quality professionals. You'll then be able to apply their war stories to your own organisation. 

5) Meet the Qualsys team

Qualsys are sponsoring the awards! That means you'll get to meet our team at the awards ceremony in November.

The Qualsys team

Don't worry, we're much better at developing quality management solutions than forming a 'Q' shape... 

6) Look at the venue!

Yes, the application will take some effort. But while you're writing it, why not have half an eye on the drinks reception for the event! You and your colleagues could be here in November (thanks to you!):

Merchant Taylors courtyardMerchant Taylors Hall

This is Merchant Taylors Hall – Sponsored by Qualsys 

7) Define the profession 

It's an exciting time to be in quality. Unlike many other professions, there isn't a clearly defined career path. By showing your support and entering the awards (for free), you'll be helping to share knowledge across the industry. 

8) Your marketing and sales team will love you

Quality World magazine

By entering the awards, you'll be sending a clear message to your organisation, supplier and customers that your organisation is good at quality. The winners of the awards will have an article featuring their achievements in Quality World magazine, which is sent every month to over 20,000 quality professionals. That's certainly one way to get the attention of your marketing and sales team!

9) Engage your team with quality 

Qualsys talks to hundreds of quality professionals every week. One common theme that arises is they struggle to engage others in what they are doing. Usually the feedback is: "No-one seems to be interested in what I'm saying." 

The honest response is: You're right!

Growing companies can be chaotic. Keeping up can feel impossible for a management team. It's not uncommon for everyone to remain in their own bubble and not set aside time for anything or anyone else. Promoting an achievement such as entering an award galvanises others to bring their ideas out into the open and ensure future efforts can learn from it.

10) Boost your career

 The opportunity to connect with others, learn and even possibly win an award will help accelerate your career. 


What you should do now 

Applications close on 31 July 2017 – so hurry!


  CQI Quality Awards

Topics: CQI

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