How to reserve your space at the Qualsys summer 2019 user group

Want to meet EQMS users, hear from the Qualsys team, and learn from industry experts?

Our next user group on is set to be the biggest ever.

Read below to find out why quality experts from across the UK are heading to Sheffield next month and how to reserve your space. 


Why attend a user group?

  • Connect with your community 
    • Hear how users like you are finding success using EQMS
  • Learn from experienced and knowledgeable industry leaders
    • Advance your quality, compliance and business management system knowledge
    • From new risk apps to global search functionality, topics at Qualsys user groups cover numerous tools and technologies designed to create a culture of quality improvement 
  • Leave with an actionable plan to help you create a culture of improvement 
    • Bring key insights back to your business 
    • Grow your professional network 


What are Qualsys user groups? 

Qualsys user groups are free, in-person bi-annual meetups that are open to all EQMS users. User groups are typically hosted in Sheffield, and are designed to help you master all things quality, compliance and technology. 

Each user group tackles a quality, compliance or business management system related theme and is presented by the Qualsys team.

User groups help you mature your management system by leveraging in-person education and networking. 


From day one Qualsys have been tremendously responsive to development requests, and days like this will only help the ongoing improvements”

– Chris Barlow, EPC


Sounds good, how do you join? 

Learn more and sign up: 


John Oakland 2 Best quality management software UK Chris Owen-1
Qualsys Kaizen event Kate Armitage - Qualsys Qualsys ISO 19011 event 20th March
Kate Krachai Governance risk and compliance training sheffield Kate V7 user group
Quality management software Qualsys user group Qualsys - Richard Green Auditing


Interested? Reserve your spot here: 


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