5 minutes with Qualsys Implementation Analyst Dan Morewood

Big Data has never been more important for our customers. As quality teams get their hands on our new, even more powerful tools, there are endless opportunities to analyse trends and discover new intelligence. 

Six months ago, Dan Morewood finished his studies at the University of York and joined Qualsys as an Implementation Analyst. He's since been working alongside the Services team to interrogate data, analyse trends and discover new intelligence for our customers. 

In this article, we caught up Dan to find out what he's working on. 

Dan Moorewood, business intelligence Analyst2 Image: Dan Morewood

What do you do as an implementation analyst? 

I have always been very mathematically minded, studying maths, further maths and physics for my A Levels. I then went to the University of York to study Mathematics.

My analytical and problem solving skills are very relevant for my work at Qualsys. As an Implementation Analyst, I'm able to use my skills to analyse trends for customers, configure the solution and use the rich data EQMS generates to provide business intelligence. One project I've worked on recently is analysing our customer systems to run health checks and diagnostic improvement reports. 

My day-to-day role involves supporting our expert Services team to configure, train and roll out global quality management systems. I help the team by building parts of the structure within the system, creating folders and groups.

Business Intelligence tool

Image: Business Intelligence software by Qualsys 


So, why Qualsys? 

Part of the reason I wanted to work at Qualsys was because everyone here is so welcoming and friendly! But the real thing that struck me about the team is the dedication everyone has to making customers succeed with EQMS. There is a positive energy which I felt from day one I wanted to be part of. 

Making sense of big data

What types of things you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Outside of work, I enjoy reading - especially fantasy novels!

I have recently finished Lord of the Rings books. I also consider myself to be a gamer, again enjoying fantasy games such as Skyrim and Dragon Age. Continuing the nerdy theme, I thoroughly enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends. 


What next for Dan Morewood?

In the next few months, I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into new projects at Qualsys, including the new WalkMe tool that is due to launch alongside Version 7 of EQMS. I am sure that there are many more interesting opportunities and challenges that lay ahead, and I’m looking forward to meeting them.


What you should do next: 

If you're interested in working at Qualsys, view our careers page. Or if you're interested in learning more about our software and services, access our free online EQMS buying toolkit. 

QMS Software Buyers Guide - Download


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