More than software: Expert quality improvement services from Qualsys

A culture of continuous improvement requires resilience, time & energy. It takes more than a single tool to achieve your quality goals. 

This is why Qualsys’ team of experts have a portfolio of 30+ services to challenge your risk processes, sharpen your governance and make quality best practice the core of your business culture.

These expert services have been designed in partnership with the world’s largest organisations and leading industry consultants. We've learned a lot from other companies - about everything from ISO best practice to risk based thinking. 

Benefit from our insights and expert team

Qualsys offers a uniquely relaxed and friendly partnership where we’re able to share success stories, demonstrate best practice and apply our decades of experience to your business.

Businesses who use our services reduce cost of poor quality and increase their profitability.

Chris O and Mike P

We provide one of the most feature-rich quality management software packages in the world: EQMS.

But we offer something unique with it.

We are 100% committed to seeing you achieve your quality and business management goals. We commit to partnering with you and ensuring your management system works, and keeps on working, as your processes, goals and business needs evolve.

That means providing expert services to help you master EQMS - but also guiding you to a real and mature quality culture that unlocks ISO standards, bakes in best practice and makes your business as strong, profitable and future-ready as it can be.


The reputation of Qualsys as a provider of expert governance, risk and compliance services has grown rapidly since it was founded in 1995.

Today Qualsys is internationally celebrated as a provider of stimulating management system education, with a particular emphasis on engagement and operational excellence.

With a growing team focused on our philosophy of collaboration, we equip you with the tools, knowledge and case studies to transform your business.

We work with businesses from all over the world and from the most heavily regulated industries imaginable. This isn’t just something to be proud of - it’s the source of the expertise and knowledge that we share with our customers.

Our software and services are now used by over a million people in over 100 countries: a truly international, dynamic network.

Below, we've listed our six strategic areas of focus of our services with examples of the service packages available. Download our services brochure for more information. 


Our services are divided into six key areas: 
Strategy, innovation and analysis 
These services help you to  explore options, create a quality and compliance strategy that works and boost the maturity of your management systems to the next level.

Governance, risk and compliance audit & recommendations report

Discovery and scoping workshop

Technology architecture workshop

Data audit: Data integrity, GDPR and information security assessment 

Risk management gap analysis and recommendations 

ISO 9001:2015 gap analysis and recommendations 

Software training and engagement services 
Tailored training programs which give your employees the awareness, desire and education to engage with EQMS. 

Certified EQMS Administrator 

Regional EQMS training days

Regional EQMS refresher days

Tailored training plan 

User engagement roll-out 

Technical services
Get you where you want to go, faster through our automation services. 

Integration and API services 

Custom development services 

Business Intelligence custom report development 

Data migration services 

People and culture


Stakeholder engagement and change management workshops give you the skills, expertise and techniques to make business-wide cultural change.

Leadership and governance excellence training 

Culture engagement workshop 

ISO 9001:2015 consultancy 

Operational excellence 
Lead to true business transformation. This includes plans like adding information security to your quality management system, extending your management system throughout your supply chain, using your management system as a customer portal, or even expanding your management system to your global sites.

Integrated management system project 

Go global package

Supply chain transformation 

Continuous improvement 
It’s important your management system moves with the times. That means continually improving how and where you use it.
Our expert team take a deep dive approach into your system metrics to highlight risks and opportunities.

Health check audit 

Internal user group 

System configuration and best practice recommendations 


services brochure

To download our services catalogue, fill in the form here: 



Topics: Electronic Quality Management System, Continuous Improvement, Company, Services, Qualsys news

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