Top 20 reasons businesses implemented EQMS by Qualsys in 2019

Getting the right eQMS starts by establishing what you need and your long term business objectives. This will also help you to communicate the project goals and rally support internally.


Mark Brook Implementation Manager

Here are the twenty top reasons quality practitioners chose to invest in EQMS by Qualsys in 2019:

1. Manual, paper based systems absorbing time and energy of quality team so there is no time for continuous improvement


2. No visibility and data of quality performance in some areas of the business

3. End-of-life software applications no longer supported

4. Single purpose applications such as SharePoint and Box limited to just documentation control - no risk, issue, and CAPA management

5. Current quality management system not scalable for growing or changing organisation


6. Company planning to achieve one or multiple ISO standards and limited by management system


7. No integration of quality, environment, health and safety, information security, risk, business continuity etc.


8. Reactive, frustrated company culture where employees see quality solely as the responsibility of the quality team

9. High Cost of Poor Quality resulting in a strategic continuous improvement project to gain more insights and control

10. Nonconformity raised in an audit

11. A strategic project to gain competitive advantage by giving customers access to micro-quality management systems

12. No formal management system

13. High growth and a need to gain control before issues arise

14. Company is entering new markets and needs to meet new compliance requirements


15. Desire to share best practices across a global organisation

16. Lack of engagement with the management system

17. Outdated legacy systems which aren’t user-friendly

18. Existing vendor price increase means the tools aren't scalable

19. Outgrown existing quality management software

20. Homegrown tools aren’t fit for purpose, too costly to maintain, no resource to manage them 

Most quality practitioners are motivated by several of the above challenges. 


Next steps


For the complete guide to buying quality management software, download our step-by-step booklet here:

software buying guide



Topics: Quality Management Software, Electronic Quality Management System, Quality Culture, Culture of Excellence, Qualsys news, Quality 4.0

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