ISO 19011 2018 training PPT

Qualsys has asked seven leading management system auditing professionals to share their insights and ideas on applying ISO 19011:2018. 

Download our free ISO 19011:2018 PPT training materials, written in partnership with Richard Green, who was on the technical committee for the revised standard. 

Included when you download the PPT: 

  • ISO 19011:2018 clause requirements 
  • Changes from ISO 19011:2011 to ISO 19011:2018 
  • Strengths, weaknesses and opportunities using the new ISO 19011:2018 framework
  • How EQMS software helps you to apply ISO 19011:2018
  • ISO 19011:2018 software 

ISO 19011 experts share their insights


Download the ISO 19011:2018 PPTs here: 


Topics: ISO 19011

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