How to make the most of your EQMS support package

Depending on tier of support package, all Qualsys customers have access to a set number of annual hours of ongoing support, guidance and consultancy.

We don't just provide software and leave you to it. We commit to a long-term partnership - and that means ensuring you make the most of your EQMS support package to maximise your quality success.

Here are a few ways to get the most from your EQMS investment.


Qualsys governance risk and compliance services


Roll-out and engagement


Every EQMS support package contains a bundle of customer success services.

User engagement during the roll-out phase is a key area of focus: the more of your colleagues aware of your EQMS project , the more will log in and the stronger your quality management system becomes.

The Qualsys customer success team can provide a range of engagement services including:

  • Bespoke website page in your branding, linking to help resources and support materials
  • Sponsorship video with key members of your team discussing your EQMS project on camera
  • Press releases and PR support
  • Internal benchmarking surveys
  • Engagement posters

Contact Customer Success Manager Tom Speddings for more information.


ISO & GxP consultancy


During your EQMS implementation, we don't just provide a generic system. 

The Qualsys team has decades of combined governance, risk and compliance experience, so we pair your system set-up with best practice ISO and GxP consultancy to ensure your EQMS meets and exceeds your specific industry requirements. 

Need to hit a particular requirement for an upcoming audit?

Aiming for a new standard?

Or just need some guidance on a particular compliance or quality topic?

Don't forget to let your implementation manager know, and they'll be happy to discuss your requirements and how to bake them into your EQMS system. 

The higher your support package level, the more hours of best practice guidance and consultancy available to you.


DAve Beard - Compliance software UK

Senior Implementation Manager Dave Beard


Configuration refresh workshops


We recognise that your original EQMS configuration might need pruning and refreshing as your business matures and progresses.

You might be aiming for a new standard and need to update your EQMS structure to reflect it. 

You might be expanding into a fresh site or territory and need new system areas and groups adding into your configuration.

Or you might just fancy a 'spring clean' by tightening, combining or simplifying some core areas of your quality set-up.

EQMS is designed to be simple and intuitive enough for you to make these changes yourself - but if you want your implementation manager to dive into your system and share their insights, you can use some of your support hours for a configuration refresh and technical consultancy to keep your system optimised and future-ready.


Coveris implementation Caroline

Implementation Manager Caroline Wilson builds an

EQMS system with multisite manufacturer Coveris



Health check reports


Health Check Report


So you've kick-started your EQMS project to get the wider business to engage with and support quality. But are they?

And how do you prove your return on investment and the success of your EQMS project to senior leadership?

Every quarter, your customer success manager and implementation analyst will compile and send you a detailed  report diving into the overall health of your EQMS system.

Use it to view your key metrics like:

  • How many of your colleagues are actively logging in and using EQMS
  • How much you've achieved with the system, from issues resolved to audits completed
  • Potential risks, such as your number of unread documents or incomplete training courses

Your health check report also contains regulatory updates and recommendations from the Qualsys compliance team, and a breakdown of the latest features in EQMS for you to start applying.


Qualsys software health check report


Best of all, you don't need to spend any support package hours to receive your report.

It's a great way to illuminate any weaknesses and areas of improvement in your system usage, so you can make EQMS as powerful and optimised as it can be and leverage your support package hours in the best possible way.


Training sessions


EQMS is an ever-maturing product. And 68% of its users report accelerated business growth within the first year of implementation.

That means new features, and eventually new colleagues at your business that might be unfamiliar with the system. In circumstances like these, booking in a training session with your support package hours can be a good idea.


Kaye Training Manager Qualsys user group

Training Manager Kaye Eames with a group of Qualsys customers


Whether its a refresher course for existing users or a session to bring new users up to speed, training is available on-site or at Qualsys HQ in Sheffield. One day per module is a typical set-up.

Contact Training Manager Kaye Eames for more information.


Topics: Customer Success

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