Qualsys Updates EQMS Search Tool

Qualsys has updated the entire search functionality on EQMS, providing EQMS users with a faster tool to access documentation within the portal. 


"Many of our customers use EQMS as a central repository for all compliance, statutory and internal documentation. Whilst this eliminates information silos, it also means there is a lot of information to sift through. Being able to quickly navigate to the relevant documentation is essential," said Simon Wells, Training Manager at Qualsys Ltd.

"Our team of developers are always looking for ways to improve user experience on both the desktop EQMS system and within EQMS mobile applications. This new search functionality tool will dramatically speed up the document navigation process, saving our users a considerable amount of time."

The updated EQMS search feature includes a number of powerful new features: 

  • Add documents to favourites: EQMS users can now add documents from the search feature directly into their favourites. This eliminates time taken to search within the navigation tree. 
  • Save searches: Easily access all the relevant documents time and time again by saving a search. 
  • Greater document refinement options: Refine search results by document owners, ISO standard, topic, file type and more.
  • Search multiple fields at once: Search by title, synopsis, content and more, all in one click. 


Two months to go until the launch of EQMS 6.7!

From 18th March, all current EQMS customers will have the option to upgrade to EQMS 6.7.  All new customers will benefit from a range of new features in the 6.7 release including: 

  • Custom metadata fields extends data field creation across all EQMS modules.
  • Improved module integration supports better referencing and navigation between all EQMS modules.
  • Extended audit trails across all records allow administrators to look at the complete history of any EQMS record.

We'll send out more information closer to the date. Please contact us to schedule your EQMS 6.7. upgrade or to take a look at these new features.

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Topics: Software, Document Management

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