Qualsys glide through their annual ISO 9001 audit

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In November this year, ISOQAR visited us to execute their regular Audit Manager surveillance audit, in order to assure themselves that we were still conforming to ISO 9001:2008. It was reassuringly good news that our 15th year of compliance marked a single minor non-conformance. The bad news was that the Quality Manager proved to be the guilty party. The technical offence was repaired within hours of the audit! We are now looking forward to the embedding of both procedure and process in our own revised: 

  • Issue Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Dashboard and
  • Mobile facilities

as we approach certification to ISO 9001:2015.

All our business activities from:

  • Business Planning 
  • Sales
  • Business Consultancy
  • Product Development, Testing, Implementation, Support and Training
  • Staff Induction, Training and Appraisal
  • Audit Management  to 
  • Supplies Management

are now monitored at a weekly meeting through our own EQMS installation, QQMS.

It is all well and good designing and testing a bicycle, but nothing beats getting on it each day and experiencing the journey.

The MD is thrilled.


Peter Pond

Quality Manager, Qualsys

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Topics: Quality Management Software, iEQMS Auditor, Audit Management Software, ISO 9001, Software, Document Management

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