Compliance and Document Management Software - Qualsys User Group 2012

Thursday 8th November saw our sixteenth annual user group. Our UK based clients travelled over to Qualsys head office in Sheffield for a day packed with ideas, new developments and sharing of best practice.

EQMS User Group

Rob Oakley, Commercial Director speaking at the EQMS User Group on 8th November.

The day kicked off with a look at some of our most recent developments, to some great feedback. The new Dashboard and Training Manager we’re both warmly welcomed, and we received some useful product enhancements ideas to consider for future versions.

After lunch, we took a look at the future of EQMS and some potential user interface designs.

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“Our user group attracts a range of customers, from those who were responsible for the initial implementation of EQMS across their organisation, to Document Managers, IT Managers, Compliance Managers and general system users. Sharing our vision of EQMS and encouraging comment enables us to capture direct feedback from every type of user, this really does shape how we work”. Michael Ord, Client Support Manager

We looked at the current EQMS interface and reviewed some potential ideas for future versions, all of which were well received. One key point when considering changing the EQMS interface is that current users continue to find it a simple system to work with. 

EQMS User Group 

“The user group is a fundamental part of EQMS’s future development. We share new pre-market products and take suggestions and feedback from our clients; they are at the centre of what we do. We plug the feedback straight back in to the product; everything we do is user driven.” Gemma Baldan, Account Manager

Many of our clients have thousands of users. Moving forward, we review how we can lift and gently change the interface of EQMS to be even more intuitive, whilst keeping the fundamental principles the same.

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 "The day spent with the Qualsys team and other members of the User Group was by far one of the most enjoyable study days that I've been on. The information was presented clearly. The round the table discussions provided an insite into how other companies utilised EQMS effectively. A thought provoking and enjoyable day - Thank you"

Gillian Southwart, NHS

"The Qualsys team are helpful and friendly whilst still being very professional. It's so refreshing to deal with a company who wants our feedback and is keen to act on it."

Helena Mchutchison, Oxford University Press

"A slick, well organised day. Essential up-to-date technical developments and user discussions delivered in a relaxed and friendly way, as you would expect from the Qualsys team."

Tom Ray, Diageo

"EQMS works for my basic requirements but the The User Group did highlight to me that EQMS is far more adaptable than I thought and we probably to not use it to its max capabilities in our Trust"

Deborah Scott, Leeds Teaching Hospital 

"Only recently been in contact with Qualsys but am pleased with the level of customer care that they provide."

Matthew Pendleton, Nothampton General Hospital

"It would be far to say that EQMS is an essential tool in delivering and evidencing our compliance framework. I look forward to the planned developments which should further embed EQMS as a cornerstone of our systems."

Mark Davy, Quality Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospital 

For more information about Qualsys' support services or User Groups, please speak to us, we'd be happy to hear from you:

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Topics: Software, Events, FDA

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