3 top challenges managing quality during the COVID-19 outbreak

In this series, we are sharing some of the findings from the CQI & Qualsys Covid-19 quality industry survey sent in May 2020. 

In part one we shared how organisations responded to the outbreak. 

Read part one here

Here we share the three top challenges 250+ quality professionals said were impacting quality during the pandemic. 


Download the report here:

COVID 19 quality profession report




1. Managing compliance and legislation

Are we compliant? When do we need to update our policies and practice? Where do I find the latest legal requirements? 

Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, the main challenge cited by quality professionals was understanding what the new legislative and compliance requirements were and enforcing them quickly. 

Businesses with an electronic quality management system felt they were faster and more agile at managing a risk-based approach to change. 


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2. Managing employee health, hygiene and well being

Are our staff safe? Are we doing enough to manage well-being of our workforce? What else can we do to improve hygiene? How can we prevent transmission of COVID-19?

Health, safety and well being became a top priority for quality professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updating working practices, managing PPE and helping leadership govern the organisation were just some of the ways quality professionals were keeping their businesses safe. 


3. Facilitating productivity

What are the risks while operating remotely and / or with a reduced workforce? Where do we need extra support? What is our business continuity plan now? 

Quality professionals had a crucial role to play in keeping the business-in-business during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over 50 percent said they relied more than ever on their electronic quality management system to manage internal communications, ensuring good governance, manage change & risks, and deliver innovation in their customer experience. 

What you should do now: 

Find out how EQMS can help your business by watching our online software demonstration videos here. Alternatively, access the full COVID-19 report. 

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Topics: Quality Culture, COVID-19

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