3 email templates to use when launching EQMS to your business

You know exactly how amazing your new EQMS is going to be for your workforce.

You spent months putting together your user requirements list, listened carefully to stakeholders across the business to ensure the system is just right, you've spent time carefully reviewing potential eQMS providers, and then you've been instrumental in configuring EQMS to have the content and information you need. It's your baby. 

In all your excitement, it can be very tempting to simply launch the new system with a big message like this: 

But if you're launching the software to your wider business - don't wait until your launch party before your workforce first hears about the software.   


Change can be difficult for many staff. You have to take them through the journey. 

In this post, I've shared some email templates you can use BEFORE your launch party to help your wider workforce to get to grips with the software and how it's going to benefit them. 

Adapt the tone of the communications to suit your business culture. 

6 top tips when communicating your new EQMS

1) Explain the need:

Dig up your business case, RFQ, and URS to clarify the BIG picture. If you've done a culture survey use snippets from employee feedback. Here is an example survey you can use:  https://quality.eqms.co.uk/blog/4-steps-to-get-buy-in-for-your-grc-solution-includes-free-survey-to-send-your-employees

2) Involve those impacted by the change:

Explain the benefits to them and demonstrate you're aware there will be a transition period where you'll need their help, input and ideas. 

3) Communicate through the phases:

  • Awareness:
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action 

4) Change in phases: 

EQMS is usually rolled out as either one or two modules or one site at a time. This way, we test in phases to learn if there are any opportunities for the next phase.  

5) Use data: 

Have numbers in mind about system engagement. Your 90 day health check report will help you know if you're on track and share your results. 

6) Get help

Your Qualsys Account Manager, Service Implementation Manager and Customer Success Manager are available to help. It is also be helpful to rally your internal communications team to generate some more momentum.


Template #1  - the teaser  
Subject: Have your say in our new management system
ezgif.com-video-to-gif (1)

Dear {Your company}

Prevent mistakes, stay compliant and help us improve

We are always trying to improve and develop our processes, procedures and policies. 

So, the quality team have been working hard to find a new software tool which will help us to be confident we're always compliant, prevent costly mistakes and optimise our business processes. 

You'll be hearing a lot more about the new tool over the coming months. For now, here's our project timeline and what you can expect: 

Timeline for EQMS implementation


Three things you can do now:

1) We want all the information in our new system to be clean and current. If there are any outdated processes, this is your opportunity to update them. Please email our team projecteqms@

2) What would you like to call the system? Vote here: {landing page url}

3) Sneak preview of the software. Here are some videos about the software:  Watch demonstration videos

We'll be sending an email every week to keep you up to date.



Warm regards,

Send any questions to our project team: 

Team names, profiles, contact information 



Template #2  - the social proof 
Subject: A message from our MD

Dear {Your company}

"We're committed to continuous learning and improvement. The EQMS project will transform the business. I want to see everyone logging in weekly to check their to-do list." - MD 

Watch the full video here:


Please let me know if you have any questions about the new software.

Warm regards,

EQMS project team





  Template #3: Launch party invitation 


Subject: 🎈🎉🍰🍰🍰= EQMS
Launch party

Dear {Your company}

You are invited to our EQMS launch party at

Join us for a coffee and cake to celebrate the launch of our new management system. 

You'll get the opportunity to: 

1) See the software in action - we'll give you short demonstrations

2) Ask any questions about the software 

3) Celebrate a special moment in the company's history!


R.S.V.P Here: Your custom URL link


Warm regards,

Send any questions to our project team: 

Team names, profiles, contact information 




What to do now: 

Access our quality management strategy playbook for step-by-step guide to optimising your systems. https://quality.eqms.co.uk/strategy-playbook-high-growth-organisations


quality management planning strategy








Topics: Customer Success

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