5 common objections to getting ISO, Quality & GRC software tools (and how to tackle them)

60% of Governance, Risk and Compliance professionals say they are missing the essential tools they need to make real improvement in their roles, according to the Global GRC Trends report 2018. This is resulting in highly-skilled professionals spending heaps of their time completing manual data processing tasks, rather than focusing on strategy, development and business improvement initiatives. 


Many attribute this to not having the tools they need to implement the necessary changes, with only 25% saying that they have access to a budget. 


GRC challenges

John Oakland, Founder of Oakland Consulting and author of the best selling book ‘Total Quality Management’, says your management system is your business’s most important competitive weapon.

So how can you get buy-in to get the system you need?

In this article, we've shared the 5 most common objections we come across and some hints, tips and examples of how you can combat them. Or you can watch the webinar here: 



#1 We don't need one 

The most common objection is knee-jerk reactions from busy people who don't understand the value of the solution. "We don't need one." 

The response: The business case

Articulate value early and concisely. You don’t have to spend weeks and months creating this document. When you have a demonstration of our software, and if we think we can help you, you'll get free, dedicated one-to-one support building a business case tailored to your business. 

What to cover in your business case: 

  1. Costs of poor quality
  2. List of current issues versus benefits 
  3. Total cost of ownership of both solutions
  4. Savings over 4 years
  5. Next steps 

After you've created the business case, sit your team down and go through it with them. Don't just email it out and hope they'll open it. Qualsys provides a number of services to help you with this.

Read more about these services here 


#2 We've already got our ISO 9001 certification

It is important to be familiar with the benefits of the software, and be able to explain the value clearly. 

The response: Align with the long term business strategy  

"Our business strategy is to grow by X by the year X. In order to get us there, we need an integrated management system which is going to be scalable and sustainable."

Key considerations

What else does your business want to achieve?

  • Is your business planning on entering new markets?
  • Are you diversifying your product range?
  • Are you opening more sites / factories?
  • Would you need additional employees to manage GRC without the software? 
  • A robust governance risk and compliance management system is going to help with all of this.

Access high-growth playbook to help build your strategy here


#3 We don't have the budget

75% of GRC professionals don't have a budget. But in most cases, that doesn't mean it's unattainable. 

The response: Calculate the savings with a solution

"If we implement this management system, we'll be saving 45% of our working time collating data for reports, as this will be managed instantly. Over the next four years, this works out at X." 

Try our 4-year cost-savings calculator here


#4 We don't have the internal resource to manage the implementation 

The implementation process is the most resource-intensive part of the project. But it is also incredibly rewarding to set up a system which is going to deliver long-term, sustainable results. Our software really does transform businesses, and that level of change does not happen overnight. So what do can you do if you don't have the internal resource to manage the implementation? 

The response: Outsource what you can't internally manage

You can outsource a lot of the implementation process to Qualsys. Many businesses outsource their training, data cleansing, and configuration to Qualsys. This means you can continue with your daily work while we do a lot of the heavy lifting.

Read more about our best practice implementation services here

 governance risk and compliance software UK vendor best software - Copy

#5 Our current system works 

Don't get disheartened by this response. When the person sees the advanced applications and how it will benefit them, they will want to invest in the idea and a solution. 

The response: Take a 30 minute demonstration with one of our experts 

Companies with highly developed quality cultures spend on average £238 million less annually fixing mistakes (Harvard Business Review). Very few CEOs will walk away after they've seen our software in action and not want to invest in an integrated management system. 

Read more about our best practice implementation services here


What you should do now

Every now and then, we all need to take some time away from our daily routine to learn, talk with peers and broaden our knowledge. 

This is why Qualsys provides a range of monthly workshops in Sheffield. 

All workshops cater to different learning styles, mix theory with working examples, and the agendas are designed based on insights from a diverse team.

You'll leave the end of the workshop feeling better equipped, inspired and ready to tackle your challenges. Browse the workshops here. 

Can't visit Sheffield? Request a free online meeting with one of our domain experts to talk about your challenges and we'd be delighted to help. 

  GRC Workshops training compliance

Topics: Governance Risk and Compliance News, Engagement, Software Procurement

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