Should I audit our extended supply chain?

In this week's Friday Feature, we ask Richard Green, Managing Director of Kingsway Consultancy Services, whether companies should carry out audits on the extended supply chain. 


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Should companies be carrying out audits on their extended supply chains? 

"My preference is always to conduct second party audits ourselves, certainly for business critical materials for suppliers. I would always make the time to go and visit the supplier and assess not just the product and the service, but also the management system that is delivering that. 


I would make sure that the management system is resilient and that it is operating how I would want it to operate. I don't think that anything has happened recently to remove that requirement. 

I would still stress for business critical requirements that there is no substitute for going out to your supplier and having a proper look at how operations are being managed and how the products or services you are buying is being developed." 

Supplier management



Topics: Supply Chain Management

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