Qualsys User Group 2015 - Hosted at the CQI and IRCA Headquarters

EQMS users from across the world came together for Qualsys’ 2015 EQMS User Group to discuss the current state of the Quality industry, upcoming EQMS functionality and the future of the Quality professional.

Hosted at the CQI and IRCA headquarters in London, representatives from EQMS customers such as BT, Diageo and Sodexo engaged in a comprehensive agenda with presentations from the Qualsys team. The event also boasted a range of thought leaders and guest speakers, including:

  • Richard Green, Head of Technical Services for the CQI, covering major developments towards ISO 9001:2015.
  • Aaron Schmick, Quality Systems Manager at MonoSol LLC, on implementing a multi-location EQMS.
  • Mark Davy, Quality Manager at Specialist Laboratory Medicine and Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust.

"The EQMS User Group 2015 provided a forum for EQMS users to gain essential insight into product developments and deliver valuable feedback regarding their experience as a Qualsys customer," said Rob Needham, Qualsys IT Director. "It was great to see a lot of satisfied customers, hear exciting suggestions for future developments and share the stage with some of the greatest opinion leaders within the Quality industry. We are now currently using the feedback to project our software and services forward for the future." 




The State of the Quality Industry

The day began with introductions from CQI and IRCA, before Qualsys’ Business Development Manager, Ben Saxton, took the stage to provide an overview of last year’s successful performance for Qualsys, reflecting on the growing team, evolving technology and expanding user base.

Qualsys’ Business Development Manager, Michael Ord, then analysed the results of Qualsys’ Global Quality Survey which revealed exciting, controversial and thought-provoking statistics about the state of the Quality industry.


EQMS Version 6.5 and Implementing a Multi-location EQMS

After delegates discussed the increasing importance of software and technology in their role, Qualsys’ Technical Director, Rob Needham, demonstrated EQMS Version 6.5 and revealed the product roadmap for the next 12 months. EQMS is shaped and improved based on the feedback from its users, and the User Group demonstration brought exciting developments as well as new suggestions.

Following a break, guest speaker Aaron Schmick, the Quality Systems Manager at MonoSol LLC, presented on the lessons learned from implementing a multi-location EQMS. Expressing MonoSol’s focus on quality, Aaron described the process and importance of selecting the optimum electronic quality management system for a world-leading manufacturing company. Having travelled over from Chicago for the User Group, Aaron’s hands-on experience and practical advice were well received by the audience.

Nearly as well-received were the lunchtime sandwiches. At lunch, attendees had an informal chance to meet and network with each other and the Qualsys team and share thoughts on the future of the Quality industry. Following lunch were the breakout group sessions, where delegates divided into smaller groups and discussed ideas and suggestions raised by the morning sessions. 

ISO 9001:2015, Annex SL and ISO 15189

Guest speaker Mark Davy, the Quality Manager at Specialist Laboratory Medicine and Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, presented on the challenges associated with ISO 15189 when managing quality at one of the country’s leading medical facilities. Always candid and humorous, Mark’s talk resonated with delegates from across the spectrum of industries.

CQI and IRCA’s Head of Technical Services, Richard Green, then cut to the core of the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 changes and the impact they will have on quality professionals. Dissecting the jargon, Richard explained the importance of Annex SL and challenged the audience by redefining the role of leadership, context and risk in quality management. 


Auditing with the iPad and Future Technology

The Qualsys team then presented on the iEQMS Audit Manager mobile application, developed in response to the increasing significance of versatile mobile technology. With a live demonstration on an iPad, Simon Wells and Ben Saxton conveyed the powerful potential that the app delivers.

To round off the day, Qualsys’ Managing Director, Mike Pound, reflected on the company’s 20th anniversary and looked ahead to 2016 and the future of quality management.

"Thank you for everybody who made the day and thank you to our EQMS customers," said Mike Pound. "We've been doing this for 20 years but we wouldn't have done it for five minutes without them. The future holds many developments, all shaped by our customers needs so we can continue to deliver operational excellence."

As delegates made their way out to the post-event drinks reception, they left with more than just expert insight. CPD certificates were awarded to each attendee, and complimentary goody bags and quality Qualsys mugs were handed out to much smiles all round.

See All the Video Footage of the Event Now!




Topics: iEQMS Auditor, Events, ISO 15189

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