Proper document control procedures could have prevented poorly placed Pringle promotion problem

A recent promotional Pringles mishap left Tesco embarrassed and demonstrated the importance of having proper control over marketing documents and protocol.

For many businesses, seasonal promotions are often seen as a reliable way to entice customers with relevant services and products all year round. When done successfully, it can drive sales and delight consumers, and give businesses a chance to flaunt their cultural awareness.

When done poorly, it can lead to a national embarrassment, such as the one recently experienced by a London Tesco store when it decided to offer smokey bacon flavoured Pringles as part of a Ramadan promotion.

Poorly Placed Pringles

As pork is forbidden for practicing Muslims, it didn’t take long for a keen-eyed shopper to share the poorly-placed promotion online. Unsurprisingly, the reaction did not fall in Tesco’s favour.

While some Twitter users were left shaking their heads, many found the oversight ‘hilarious’.

Pringle Problem

So was this cultural insensitivity or shelf-stacking error?

A Pringles spokesman said the promotion was the company’s idea, but the stand was only supposed to contain original, sour cream and onion and salt and vinegar flavours. He went on to say “It was never our intention to cause any offense and we've taken steps to ensure this doesn't happen again.”

Tesco shared similar remorse, stating “We recognise these Pringles weren't in the most suitable place and our store colleagues have now moved them.”

While unintentional, errors like this can cost a company credibility, if not custom. Having proper control of marketing documentation would have minimised the likelihood of this occurring, as well taking the blame off Tesco’s shoulders.

EQMS Document Manager enables management to distribute documents to employees at any location, such as guidelines to promotional campaigns or updates to procedures.

Notifications settings can be adjusted so that employees are required to acknowledge that they have read and understood new documentation, ensuring that appropriate steps have been taken by the company.

EQMS Document Manager automates the management of document lifecycles, keeping track of versions, maintaining the integrity of content and ensuring the right information is available to the right people at the right time.

While it is impossible to completely eradicate human error, having an effective document management system is essential to ensuring control over your policies, procedures and other critical documentation.

Click here to learn more about EQMS Document Manager, or follow the link below.

EQMS Document Manager


Topics: Document Management, Document Control Procedures

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