OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 – Essential resources

Keep on top of the occupational health and safety standards with these essential resources. This selection of websites, videos and blogs covers the fundamentals of OHSAS 18001 and presents what's currently known about the upcoming ISO 45001 standard set to replace it. We hope you find it useful, but if you have anything to add please leave us a comment.

BSI Group

BSI Group

The British Standards Institution (BSI Group) is the UK's national standards body. They produce technical standards on a wide range of products and services and supply certification and standards-related services to clients ranging from high-profile brands to small local companies in 172 countries worldwide.

Their overview of OHSAS 18001 is a useful place to start, providing a summary of the existing OHSAS standard as well as information on implementing and maintaining a management system, and gaining certification.

They have also produced a helpful PDF guide to the new ISO 45001 standard, which you can read and download here.


National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)


The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) is Ireland's equivalent to BSI. They are the national certification authority for CE marking and provide a certification service that enables Irish businesses to demonstrate that their goods and services conform to the relevant standards.

NSAI's website has a range of useful information, but their information leaflet and PowerPoint presentation on migrating to ISO 45001 might be of particular interest.




NQA is part of NTS, the leading independent provider of environmental simulation testing, inspection and certification services in the US. NTS serves a broad range of industries, from civil aviation, space and defence to telecommunications, electronics, medical and automotive.

Here they give a detailed talk on the changes businesses will have to make when the new standard is introduced. Their webinar on how ISO 45001 will change the way occupational health and safety management systems are implemented and certified is also very good.




The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental membership organisation and is the largest developer of voluntary international standards.

Their web page on management system standards sets out a thorough yet concise summary of the background to the standards, and their page on ISO 45001 provides useful articles and a current timeline for implementation of the standard.


Charter 4 Solutions

Charter 4

Charter 4 Solutions is a multi-disciplinary business consultancy that can help you gain ISO and OHSAS certifications. They work with all types of companies, from young developing enterprises to leading multi-nationals.

They've produced an easy-to-follow infographic to give you a brief overview of the OHSAS 18001 standard.


Qualsys blog











Over the coming months, the Qualsys GRC blog will be keeping track of the latest thinking and developments in regards to the ISO 45001 standard, linking to useful resources and publishing whitepapers as the standard progresses along its timeline. 



What you should do now 

Download the EQMS Datasheet Pack to learn how EQMS software can help your organisation comply with ISO 45001. 


Trusted ISO Compliance Software


Topics: GRC Resources, ISO 45001

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