ISO 9001:2015: Optimising Sustainable Supplier Management

Until recently, ISO 9001 only explicitly required an organisation to keep records of the criteria for selecting, evaluating and re-evaluating suppliers. The latest revision to ISO 9001:2015 now requires an organisation to not only record the criteria, but to also record the result of these activities, including performance monitoring. 

The shift towards greater emphasis on supplier performance monitoring may require your organisation to review supplier management processes.

If you're interested in learning more about supplier management best practices, recommendations for a sustainable supplier management system and to unlock value from your suppliers in 2016, join us on 23rd Feburary at 10am for an online webinar. 

Read more about this webinar below. 



During this webinar, you will learn: 

1. Pro-Active Supplier Management:

We will examine the benefits of pro-actively managing supplier quality and compliance and how this results in long-term financial gains. 

2. Driving Continuous Quality and Compliance Improvements:

We will review the best practice approaches for identifying your best suppliers and removing weak performers so you can unlock value from your suppliers. 

3. Improve Supplier Peformance Visibility:

We will explore how you can eliminate information silos, boost performance and productivity company-wide by making supplier data visible. 

4. Eliminating Recurring Supplier Issues:

We will advise how you can streamline workflows to ensure supplier mistakes are not repeated and issues are resolved in a closed-loop process.

5. Q&A Session:

You have an opportunity to ask any questions about optimising supplier management systems.


Essential Information: 

Where: Online 

Time: 10am - 11am 

Date: 23rd February 2016

Who: Anyone responsible for managing supplier quality and compliance.

How: Sign up here



Robert Oakley: Director at Qualsys

Robert has overall responsibility for the commercial operations of Qualsys, including sales, marketing and finance.

Since joining Qualsys in September 1998 – after a 17-year, board-level career in the leisure sector – Robert has helped develop the business to its current position with a portfolio of bluechip customers, a healthy recurring income stream and a solid foundation for future growth.


Mike Bendall: Services Director: 

Mike joined Apricot Computers plc in 1984, going on to fill a variety of senior positions. In 1990, after the company had become ACT, Mike progressed to the position of business development manager, securing large consultancy and service contracts with a multitude of government departments.
Mike left ACT in 1995 to establish Qualsys with colleague Mike Pound, negotiating with Parity Solutions Ltd for the rights to the EQMS software; the core system of the Qualsys business.



Download the Webinar Here



  Eqms WORKSHOPS - GRC Solutions

Topics: ISO 9001, Supply Chain Management

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