How Qualsys helps you to certify to ISO 27001

Many organisations find themselves in a digital storm of relentless and continuous change, often brought on by rapidly evolving technology. For this reason, information security can no longer be a once-in-a-while project – it must be central to all your projects and processes. You need a Privacy by Design approach. You need information confidentiality, integrity and availability to be controlled at all times. 

ISO 27001 provides a framework for managing information security. Based on regular risk assessments that consider ever-changing scenarios, it's at its most effective when there is a robust enterprise management tool providing a framework.

Here's an overview of how you can use Qualsys software for ISO 27001. 



EQMS Modules



Manage roles and responsibilities

Planning an information security management system (ISMS) is a crucial requirement of ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 sets out a nine-stage process for doing so. The documentation you generate through this process will define your system's scope (i.e. what information it intends to protect), your organisation's context, and your detailed approach to keeping your information secure. This process needs to be embedded throughout your entire organisation.

One of the Qualsys software modules is the document control tool.

  • Easily share compulsory documents (such as your information security policy, risk assessment methodology and statement of applicability) with the relevant members of your team.
  • Ensure only the most recent version of the documents will be seen and read.
  • Prevent information being disseminated too widely and exposing your organisation to risk
  • Lock down your data by controlling the number of roles that have higher access privileges or levels of authorisation.
  • Use electronic signatures to ensure your employees confirm they've read and understood your latest operating procedures. This limits the risk of your company being liable for data breaches.



Control risk

Risk assessment is a complex part of ISO 27001 implementation. 

Qualsys risk management module is configured to your risk assessment methodology. How you treat those risks you've identified in your assessment can be managed through a workflow which is traceable at every stage. You'll be able to view real-time risk assessment reports in the KPI Dashboard, allowing you to proactively manage risk from a central system.


Download the ISO 27001 datasheet here: 



Audit Manager

Audit Manager can be configured for both systematic and closed-loop auditing. And you can associate your audits with whatever regulations or standards (such as ISO 27001) might apply to your business.

ISO 27001 - Audit-2

iEQMS Auditor is an iPad application for mobile auditing. The application works without an internet connection and gives your top-level management complete visibility of how well your information security processes are working.

Download the EQMS Audit and Inspection Manager datasheet here

Request a demo of iEQMS Auditor here


It's not just software! 

Qualsys also provides as part of our complete support package: 

  • ISO 27001 consultancy
  • ISO 27001 templates 
  • ISO 27001-guided implementation - accelerate your certification by using our knowledge



What you should do now

See how you can use our management system software for your ISO 27001 information security management system by arranging your tailored demonstration here:  

Request a demonstration


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