GDPR training for employees: free online video

A PwC study found 60% of organisations spent at least £1 million to ensure they are GDPR-compliant.

A large chunk of this budget involved bringing in lawyers, new staff and technology systems. 

Don't let this investment go to waste by not keeping your employee training current.

When there is any change, it's important you keep your processes, policies and procedures up to date.

Have your new starters had basic GDPR training?

Do employees across the business remember the key GDPR principles?

Clearly, if your team needs GDPR training, there are a lot of options available.

But before your company forks over any more of your hard-earned revenue on GDPR training, the Qualsys team have created a free online 'GDPR for beginners video' which you can use as a basic introduction or as refresher training. 


Qualsys governance risk and compliance services

What's in the video?

  1. Why GDPR
  2. Overview - what are the requirements, what do I need to do? 
  3. Improving the maturity of your data management process
  4. Tips for complying with the regulation 
  5. Where you can find more GDPR information 

This training was requested by our customers.

Any customers using EQMS software with the Training Records Manager module can have the full GDPR training pack with the quiz embedded - just ask your account manager. 

To request the 30-minute video training, fill in the form below: 



Please note: there are lots more materials in our GDPR toolkit here.  

Topics: GDPR

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