GDPR explained (Part 4): 10 essential GDPR resources


There's a lot of information out there about the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But where do you find the best information about what GDPR means for you? 

We asked Qualsys's Business Mentor, Mike Bendall, to recommend his 10 favourite GDPR resources. 

1)  EU General Data Protection Regulation

A good place to start is with the EU themselves, by familiarising yourself with their Data Protection Regulation requirements.

In this Official Journal of the European Union, you'll find:

  • Why the EU have introduced the regulation
  • Details of the requirements for each article
  • All the requirements in full


2) Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation

International law firm Bird & Bird have produced some excellent materials on GDPR, including this comprehensive guide to the new regulation. They've also divided the guide into downloadable sections, which you can access here.


3)  Preparing for GDPR - 12 steps to take now (ICO office)

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. They provide a lot of useful resources on data protection and other related subjects for organisations and members of the public.

They've produced a 12-step guide to preparing for the GDPR and a handy checklist that organisations can use to assess their compliance.


4)  GDPR toolkit - by Qualsys


Qualsys provides many free toolkits to help organisations manage their transition into new ISO and compliance standards. In the GDPR toolkit, you'll find: 

  • Step-by-step guides
  • Advice from industry experts 
  • Quiz to get your stakeholders engaged with GDPR 

Download the toolkit for free here


5) EU GDPR: A Pocket guide (Alan Calder, Founder & executive Chair at IT Governance)

Gain a clear understanding of GDPR with this essential pocket guide, which explains:

  • The definitions used within the regulation in simple terms
  • The key requirements of the regulation
  • Advice of how to comply with the regulation

Buy for under £10 here

6)  "The Missing Piece in the GDPR Puzzle" eBook

This eBook by Collibra details a best-practice approach to data governance: 

  • Why organisations need robust information management systems
  • How data governance is a vitamin for competitive advantage 
  • 3 building blocks of a data governance business case 

Read the eBook here

7)  "Why GDPR should be at the top of your agenda" – CIO Trends Report (Computer Weekly) 

Computer Weekly has produced a CIO Trends report, which details: 

  • Why GDPR should be at the top of your agenda
  • How to ensure you're compliant
  • Insights from thought-leaders 

Read the report here

More articles from Computer Weekly you may find useful: 

 8) How to manage risks and reputation in any data-driven company

GDPR Manage risks and reputation webinar.png

In this GDPR webinar, speaker Ronald van Loon discusses how to:

  • Maintain client trust with appropriate data management
  • Reduce risks and protect your reputation
  • Adopt a 'protection by design' approach to data 
  • Implement technical infrastructures to protect and govern client data
  • Utilise a data protection officer to define how data is collected and stored
  • Handle the various data streams

How to manage risks and reputation within any data-driven company

9)  Preparing for EU GDPR 

 This Slideshare by Alan Calder covers:

  • An overview of the regulatory landscape and territorial scope
  • Principles of the GDPR
  • Rules on breach notifications
  • Data subjects' rights
  • Changes to consent
  • Processor liabilities
  • Role of the Data Protection Officer

View "First steps to GDPR Compliance" here

10)  GDPR Stakeholder Workshop (Hans Demeyer, Data Protection Office) 

In this Slideshare, Hans Demeyer uses "Sophie's Privacy" as a case study to show examples of what can and can't be done under the new GDPR. There are some useful exercises you can run with your stakeholders to get them to understand their requirements. 

View the Slideshare here



What you should do now

For more information about GDPR, download our GDPR Toolkit. 



Topics: GDPR

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