Quality professionals: Sign up for free events to share, learn & network

A lot of quality professionals tell us that they sometimes feel they're ploughing a lonely furrow, and it's networking events and meetings that give them the inspiration they need to drive their projects forward.

In response to this, Qualsys Ltd, Kingsford Consultancy Services and Blackmores have set up a Meetup community you can join for free to share, learn and network. 

What are the events? Will you benefit? And how can you get involved? Read on below!

Free events for GRC professionals in Yorkshire

What are Meetups? 

We've created the Meetup community as a way of making life easier for you, the quality professional. By providing a forum for people in governance, risk and compliance roles to come together and simply talk, we hope we can give you positive, useful ideas to take back to your organisations to put into practice.

Whether it's methods for improving health and safety, tactics for getting senior management to buy in to quality management, or suggestions for how best to comply with certain ISO standards and regulations, we want you to get as much as you can from our Meetups. 

How can I get involved? 

There are lots of ways: 

Do I have to be an EQMS customer to attend?

Not at all. We welcome quality professionals from all sectors and industries and want to involve as many people as we can. 

Discussion forum

Where will the events be held?

They'll initially be based near the sponsor's locations – South Yorkshire, the West Country and Hertfordshire. However, if you'd like to host an event at your office, email hello@qualsys.co.uk for more information. 

Can my company become a sponsor? 

Absolutely. Just email hello@qualsys.co.uk and we'll tell you how. 

How can I join the community?

Sign up here! 

Meetup page


Join the Meetup for free here!


Topics: Events

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