Coming soon: Qualsys Training Academy

If you joined us at our customer user group in July 2019, you'll have heard the exciting plans being put together by new Qualsys training manager Kaye Eames.

At Qualsys we don't just provide EQMS for our customers. We want you to continuously learn and spread system expertise within your business, to make EQMS as strong, optimised and well-used as it can be.

That's why we're launching the Qualsys Training Academy. And we want to hear your thoughts about it.


Mark Brook Qualsys training



What is the Training Academy?


When you first implement EQMS, our services team will turn your admin users into system experts with focused modular training sessions.

With a 'train the trainer' approach, your admins can then cascade their knowledge internally to make sure everyone in your business understands the system.

But we recognise that things change over time.

People might leave your business, taking their EQMS expertise with them. New starters will join. Or you'll want to roll EQMS out to a fresh department or site and to a whole new set of users.

The Training Academy has been designed to provide structured refresher sessions at multiple locations across the UK.


Kaye Training Manager Qualsys user group


Why should I join a Training Academy session?


You should sign up for a Training Academy session if:


  • You're looking for a cost-effective way to train multiple EQMS users - whether that's introducing new employees or refreshing current users
  • You're wanting to network with similar EQMS users to share best practice, hints and tips with them
  • You want your team to make the most of the latest features and developments of EQMS
  • You want a focused day out of the office to become system experts

All Training Academy sessions will be led by the Qualsys Training Manager or Service Managers, who have extensive collective experience of training users of all EQMS modules.

All courses will provide certification and access to Qualsys post-training support guides and materials.


Assad Service Manager Qualsys


Take the survey


To make the Training Academy as valuable and customer-centric as we can, we're asking all of our customers to take our 1-minute feedback survey.

Tell us your thoughts and preferences about the Training Academy at:


Questions about the Training Academy?



Topics: Training, Customer Success, CPD

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