Quality Management Software Available in French

Rob Needham Qualsys

“We’re pleased to announce multi-language capability within our EQMS quality management software.

"After huge demand, we are working with a number of customers to translate their current EQMS in to a variety of languages"

Rob Needham, Qualsys’ Technical Director

"Nous sommes heureux de d'annoncer l'introduction de la capacité multi-langue d’EQMS’.  EQMS est notre solution logicielle de Gouvernance, gestion des Risques et Conformité (GRC) qui est utilisé partout dans le monde. Nous avons déja des versions anglaises, françaises et allemandes et d'autres langues sont disponibles avec seulement préavis de deux semaines.  Notre objectif a toujours été de simplifier l'utilisation de notre logiciel pour nos clients mondiaux.  Ce développement permettra d'améliorer l'adoption du système par nos clients multinationaux."

In a global marketplace, it’s crucial organisations can adapt to their local markets. EQMS is often the backbone of an organisation, used to drive knowledge right across a business – even when the business spans across the globe. The application needs to be dynamic and tailored to each of our customer’s needs.  As a business expands globally EQMS can travel with it, it’s comforting to know users now have the opportunity to engage with theIR QMS software in their native tongue.

Already implemented in French, Qualsys' multi-language EQMS software:

  • minimises training requirements
  • reduces risk of costly non-conformances
  • provides multilingual access to users across the globe

Dedicated to providing ‘software that fits’, we proudly tailor our software solutions according to the language requirements your business demands. Our multi-language EQMS solutions comprise of exactly the same features already found in our English language version, ensuring no compromise on quality and usability.


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How EQMS Multi-Language Software Benefits our Customers


For many non UK / US based businesses, a system that will fully integrate into their business means a local language version of the system is crucial. Multinational beverage giant, Diageo, was no exception.

"Due to the expanding use of EQMS in Diageo's French-Canadian users it was seen as essential extension to provide the additional language option for EQMS, as it is now a vital tool for the organisation,” said Needham. “After Diageo requested translation we were fast to react to its needs and quickly provided French translation that the user could easily access by simply changing the software’s language settings at the click of a button."

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