EQMS Compliance for Solicitors software reviewed by Jonathan Bray

Jon Bray

Solicitors compliance expert, Jonathan Bray, writing in the respected 'Compliance & Risk Journal' compared the key compliance software solutions to support COLP / COFAs.

Jonathan reviewed a range of reputable solutions, and made the following remarks about EQMS.

EQMS Compliance for Solicitors

Jon Bray EQMS Review
"EQMS is being developed for the legal market having been a leader in other highly-regulated industries for almost 20 years.

The developer boasts an impressive client list including BT, Diageo, the Financial Times and a whole host of local authorities and NHS Trusts. Many firms will undoubtedly be attracted by this proven track record.

The version for law firms is built upon the same engine used by the company's blue chip clients, but its workflows have been adapted from the ground up for COLPs and COFAs.

It is fair to say that the system is currently in an advanced development stage and feels less polished than some other software, but from what we have seen so far the end product is likely to be impressive. The developers say they are working hard to make the system user-friendly and intuitive, without losing any of the software's sophisticated features. 

As well as recording and monitoring functions, EQMS has full audit and reporting capability.

The software is mainly preconfigured for ease of set up, although fully customisable to a firm's procedures and workflows.

Integrated document management, including precedent manuals and policies with roll-out capability, add real value to the service.

Compliance Officers looking to maximise their chargeable time will also be able to opt for an approved risk management consultant to help them manage the firm's overall risk and compliance strategy on an on-going basis.

EQMS can be run in the cloud or on a local server, and data can be accessed by mobile devices.

The product can also integrate with the major accounts packages and Microsoft Office applications, as well as Sharepoint."

Partnership Opportunities for Risk Management Consultants

Mike Bendall

Mike Bendall, Qualsys Director said:

"Qualsys are 100% committed to delivering a real game-changing solution for solicitors compliance. The EQMS Compliance for Solicitors software has been developed for the past 18 months, working with key industry experts and is now being rolled out beyond our pilot firms.

We will soon be announcing exciting partnership opportunities for Risk Management consultants working in the legal market"


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Topics: Risk Management, Software, SRA

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