How quality is essential in managing COVID-19 responses

A lot has changed since COVID-19 first started to dramatically disrupt our way of life approximately two months ago. But Qualsys has noted many of our customers making the most of the circumstances.

Here are five ways quality has been at the heart of keeping businesses together during these difficult times. The examples we've used below are all from businesses using EQMS. 


1) Diageo donates 2m litres of alcohol to protect front line healthcare workers

Alcoholic drinks giant, Diageo, pledged in March to donate two million litres of alcohol to their global partners to manufacture hand sanitiser. The alcohol will help be given to front line healthcare workers to protect them in the fight against COVID-19. This donation equates to more than eight million 250ml bottles of hand sanitiser.

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2) University of Leeds offers campus laboratories for diagnostic testing

The University of Leeds has offered its campus pathology and microbiology laboratories in the School of Medicine and is contributing staff and equipment to give additional capacity for diagnostic testing in support of Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. Read more here.


3) Well Pharmacy on the front line

Businesses such as Well Pharmacy have not only had to update their opening hours, and produce guidance for their employees, providing essential medical supplies has meant updating their working practices and procedures. 

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4) Updating health and safety practices 

For Sodexo, 95,000 employees work in hospitals, senior residences and in areas of public administration. In addition to social-distancing guidelines, the company has introduced enhanced measures such as disposable gowns for staff in elderly care homes, cleaning and disinfecting human contact points every 4 hours in France. 

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5) Getting a vaccine to market

Many of our life science customers are part of the network of organisations researching potential vaccines to tackle COVID-19. Having robust processes, documentation, records, and compliance controls is essential for getting their products approved. 

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Topics: ISO 22301

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