A day in the life of a Qualsys account manager

Before he joined the team, Mark Poyser used to be a Qualsys customer.

As Operations Manager of Data Image, Mark used EQMS every day to embed and manage quality at a leading print manufacturer.

He liked the system so much he now looks after some of Qualsys's biggest customers, including BT, as an account manager.

We asked him what a typical day in the life looks like, during and after work.


Mark Poyser Account Manager Qualsys


Since I made the move to Qualsys, I've taken over about 20 customer accounts across a range of sectors, including life science, telecoms, manufacturing and construction.

My typical day revolves around 3 main areas.

The first is the general day-to-day upkeep of our customer accounts.

That means getting on the phone to say hello and keep on top of any developments in that customer's business.

New employees, department restructuring, expansion and acquisition plans - these can all affect how EQMS is used by our customers so it's important we keep up to date to ensure we're delivering the best service we can.



BT have been Qualsys customers since 2001 and operate hundreds of EQMS systems across the globe to manage their customer relationships


The second is developing our footprint within each account.

Some of the best opportunities for growth are in our existing customer accounts and we're always expanding the system into new departments and new sites or delivering new modules once the real value of EQMS has been established by the customer.

Hybrid Air Vehicles, for example, have had Document Manager for several years. But they're now gearing up to bring the other modules online to make their quality system even stronger.

For a huge multinational account like BT it can be difficult getting in touch with the right person and juggling various priorities at once. That's a real shift from my previous position at Data Image and something I've had to learn quickly!


AB Agri

Mark's customers range from British animal nutrition

company AB Agri to French transportation company Bolloré


The third area, and the most important, is keeping our customers happy.

This is a core value of Qualsys and for me it means being available as the customer requires to answer any queries or development requests.

Sometimes if it's a technical discussion that means putting them in contact with the right person here at Qualsys, like our Technical Director Rob Needham. 

All of our customers are important but some want frequent weekly contact and some prefer to be left to their own devices. Ultimately it's about being there as and when they require.

After work, I'm back home to my family. I live in a little market town called Bingham in Nottinghamshire.

I love being outdoors so I like to spend my spare time gardening or birdwatching.

And my favourite hobby is fishing, or walking by rivers, canals or beaches.

I think I have an addiction to water!


More resources

Looking to kickstart your own quality software project? Try our business case toolkit:

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Topics: Meet the team, Company

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