8 ways Training Records Manager makes managing training easy

Our software is continually evolving. This is why the Qualsys team all undertake regular refresher training.  It is crucial that we know how to make the new features and enhancements work for our customers. 

Last week, Caroline Wilson, Service Implementation Manager at Qualsys, ran a training session on the module "Training Records Manager". 

In this article, I asked Caroline to share 8 of the best things about the Training Record Manager module. 

Compliance training experts Qualsys


1) Use for all different types of training records 

You can use this module for all different types of training records. It's used for SOPs, internal training, induction, health and safety, FLT assessments, medicals, working at heights, health surveillance and lots more. 


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2) It's automation at its best

I've worked in quality for 5+ years. In my previous roles, I would have loved to have had a system like this. It's a million times better than using spreadsheets. For example, all the training planning process takes place in one central system. Instead of having to email and book training in everyone's calendar, as an administrator you can automate this from the system. Notifications and due dates are set in the system, so you are not spending hours chasing people. 


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3) Ratings

If as a business you invest in your employees and your training, it's a big risk for your business if the training provider isn't any good.

As an administrator, you can add a form field which ensures your employees rate their training. This is a really powerful tool. Getting this feedback is really useful when planning for the next year of training. 


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Johnson and Scholes: Business Cultural Web, http://wikireedia.net/wikireedia/images/5/53/Culturalweb.jpg 


4) Make the system work for your business

Many businesses have their own internal terminology. With Training Records Manager phrases can be updated centrally by administrators so you can make the system work for your business. It's a great way to get your users more engaged with the system. 


5) You get more information, in a format you can actually use

The Training Record Manager module is really flexible. When you are configuring the module, you can capture any information you want. For example you may want qualitative data about the training as well as quantitative, so you can adapt the forms to make it work for your business. 


Access Training Records Manager datasheet

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6) Custom training reports

Most of the time, your leadership teams are not going to have the time to configure dashboards and widgets. The Training Manager module provides leadership with custom training reports. This can then be enforced on their screens, so they can see any outdated training records, drill-down into high-risk areas, and chase anyone who is not fulfilling their training requirements. 


7) Confidence you’re compliant:

When compliance training needs to happen on an annual basis, it can be really easy for it to get missed. This is where Training Records Manager is really helpful. You can automatically manage a retraining schedule. So when you have a new starter or someone changes their role, you can copy a training program. It saves weeks of your time.  

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8) Integrates with other modules 

This module is not only used for external training. When used with Document Manager you can send training and quizzes on a new document or policy prior to it going live. 


Download the Training Records Manager Datasheet to learn more about the technical features and benefits of this module.  >>> 


Topics: Training Record Software, Services

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