6 tips for making the most of your EQMS web demonstration

Your web demonstration with Qualsys is your chance to take your first look at EQMS, get your questions answered and discuss your quality software project with the Qualsys team.

Sparing an hour from your working day isn't always easy. It's important to get the maximum possible value from your demo so you leave confident and informed about your next steps.

Senior Business Development Manager Alex Swan has shared his 6 top tips for getting the most out of your demo.


Alex 1


1. Use our stakeholder engagement template


Alex recommends downloading the stakeholder engagement template from the Qualsys website at the beginning of your software sourcing project.

Senior buy-in and stakeholder engagement is essential to get any project off the ground. Use the template to:

  • Pinpoint your key business goals and issues and how quality management software might address them
  • Map your relevant stakeholders and their specific requirements
  • Understand the various steps of an EQMS project

You don't need to complete the entire template before your demo.

But it's a useful way to empty your head and record some ideas of what you'd like to see on your demonstration.

Having the 'big picture' in mind as you sit down for your demo will help you link the software features you'll be shown to the real business benefits that they'll deliver.


Stakeholder Template


2. Take a quick look at every module


EQMS is a powerful suite of multiple, focused modules.

You might have started looking for a document management system - but are you managing risk properly?

You might want to automate how you address and analyse customer complaints - but are you also spending too much time auditing?

There might be a module or application that would be perfect for your business that you haven't seen before your demo - so Alex recommends taking a quick look at the entire module range to allow you to ensure you see what matters most to you.




3. Test your tech


The Qualsys business development team use an online meeting software platform called Zoom to host web demos of EQMS.

You don't need to download anything to use it, but you can install a plug-in to load up and join your meeting more quickly.

Take 5 minutes to familiarise yourself with Zoom and install the plug-in if you wish, so you can dive straight in with no wasted time once your demo begins.


4. The more, the merrier


"I know someone who would love this, actually."

"That would be great for..."

"I can see how... could use this."

Alex frequently hears comments like this from demo attendees.

To make the most out of your demo, it's advised to get as many pairs of eyes on it as possible. This allows input from multiple colleagues, allows more questions to be asked and answered, and will give you more ideas about how EQMS can be applied to your business.

Internal auditors, quality managers, HR and senior management are all great people to have with you on a demo - so feel free to invite them along.


5. Don't be afraid to share your problems


Discussing your company's approach to quality with someone from outside the business can be like visiting the doctor.

As you sit down for your demo, you might feel reluctant about sharing the current problems and limitations of your quality management that are driving your project.

You might have some critical processes managed solely on paper, or no process at all in some areas. You might have been hit with a fine or a major non-conformance on a recent audit.

It's completely normal to not want to share these problems, and nobody will force you to.

But the important thing is that you're taking the first step to addressing them, and discussing them in confidence and how you can fix them with an electronic software solution can be the best way to spend your first demonstration with Qualsys.

Some of the biggest businesses in the world have been in the same situation as you. So don't be afraid to speak up!


6. Keep in touch


It's normal to have fresh questions once your demo is over, whether it's something you'd forgotten to ask or hadn't considered before.

Your demoing business development manager will give you their details at the end of your session so you can get in touch with any questions, comments or queries. 


Next steps


Want to hear some real life stories from Qualsys customers before your demo session?

Visit our case study library:

Electronic quality management project case studies

Topics: Implementing EQMS, Product, Demonstrations

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