3 reasons why you should migrate your documents from Lotus Notes to EQMS

It used to be commonplace for IT teams to own the document management system.

They would use a system like Lotus Notes by IBM, and then manage all configurations either internally or through contracted external parties. 

But before long, the cracks started to show.

Many quality professionals have recognised a growing gap between the functionality of their system and the requirements of their organisation. 

Accolade Wines, Honeywell and Yazaki are just a few organisations who have recognised the benefits of migrating their documentation from Lotus Notes to Document Manager, a highly configurable, off-the-shelf EQMS software module which enables you to track, search, retrieve, route, review, approve and annotate documents and technical drawings

Why are so many organisations migrating their documentation to EQMS? We've put together 3 of the main reasons below. 

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1. Compliance, not just control


When it launched in 1989, Lotus Notes was a revolutionary info-sharing platform combining email and database functions to help businesses improve their collaboration.

But the large majority of IT professionals who implemented Notes, and continue to use it, don't have a background in compliance.

Which means when your IT team configures a system like Lotus Notes, there is often a gap between the functionality of the system and your organisation's real compliance requirements - many of which simply weren't around in 1989.

The state of document management has seen a major shift since Lotus Notes went live, with more emphasis than ever on security, compliance and audit trails. 

Modern document management systems such as EQMS embrace baked-in compliance as well as document control and collaboration, with features such as:


  • Document audit trails and full version control: retain each superseded document and track what was changed in a document, when, and by whom
  • Flexible workflows: drive review and approval processes with system messaging which integrates with your email system
  • Works with everything: flexible API and web services integrate EQMS with your ERP, HR and/or financial systems



2. Support and spring cleans


Like any legacy system, Lotus Notes can accrue years of increasingly obsolete documents.

Does the thought of migrating your online and offline documentation give you a headache? You aren't alone.

Many organisations have hundreds and even thousands of important documents in their Lotus Notes system which are duplicated, outdated and siloed.

Unfortunately, ignoring the issue will not make it go away and only makes a compliant document system even more difficult to attain. 

Now imagine this - the lifecycle of every critical document is managed systematically. Even better, it has all been done for you by an expert. 


Ash richardson - Quality management software developer at Qualsys


The Qualsys services team have migrated thousands of documents from Lotus Notes, SharePoint and desktops to Document Manager.

They get under the skin of customer processes and support them as little or as much as needed to ensure their document management system is futureproofed.  

Following a best practice approach, the services team at Qualsys will: 


  • Audit your documentation requirements:  preparing a document audit plan, conducting feasibility and scoping exercises and reviewing your processes. 
  • Configure the system: ensuring the terminology in your document management system aligns with your organisation's requirements. 
  • Migrate all documentation (or not!): extracting documentation from your legacy systems and uploading them to your EQMS, giving you the chance to 'spring clean' and shed unnecessary documents in the process


3. Notes nearing retirement

Businesses have an increasing number of requirements from their document management system. However, many IT teams do not have the resources to keep the system up to date. 

And in 2016, IBM announced that support for Notes would continue until 2021, but with no fresh releases or updates before the system was wound down.

EQMS is continually being enhanced. New features, resources and training guides are being produced to ensure our customers maximise their use of the system. 

Customers can even request changes to EQMS in a number of ways, including: 

  • Account Managers: Every customer has a dedicated Account Manager who is available to help you maximise your use of EQMS. They will put forward your change requests and build it into the EQMS roadmap. 
  • Events: Qualsys hosts regular development forums and user groups which gives you the opportunity to hear from other EQMS customers, the development team and the directors at Qualsys. 
  • Health Check: Every customer also has an Annual Health Check, which is where we audit your use of EQMS and help you to find more ways to optimise your document management system. 


Next steps

If you are one of the many quality professionals who has found that Lotus Notes is no longer working to control your documentation, EQMS Document Manager could be the perfect solution. 

To learn more, book a 15-minute chat about your document requirements:


Document Management Software


Topics: Document Control Procedures

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