Quality for competitive advantage: LPA Lighting's example

You can't just pull a train out of service to change its lights. You can't ground planes because the bulb fuse has blown. And you definitely can't bring submarines back to land to fix a lighting fault. 

This is why LPA Group, the world leader in the design, build and supply of industrial LED lighting, places such an emphasis on getting quality right first time. 

LPA lighting Case study


And although LPA lighting has built a sterling reputation with blue chip brands, it's not as easy as the company makes it look. 

"It's not just about capturing customer feedback. For LPA, it's about using customer feedback information we receive to make more informed business decisions and manage change," said Craig Webster, LPA Lighting's Quality Manager. 

He continued: "We use EQMS by Qualsys, an enterprise quality management software solution, to centrally manage all our business processes."

Making the quality management system the business management system 

"One of the key benefits is the reporting capability. We no longer need to sift through spreadsheets and it's not just the quality team who have access - it's everyone!

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"Information about all business processes, such as customer feedback and complaints, is collected in a central management system with workflows which tell the relevant people what they need to do.

"Records are retained automatically. Reports are generated whenever we need them. And this means we can easily identify risks and opportunities to improve our processes." 

Read and watch the full LPA Lighting case study by completing this form: 

Topics: Electronic Quality Management System

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