EQMS Everywhere: Add-Ins for Microsoft Office (1 of 2)

Bob BollomBob Bollom introduces the updated Microsoft Office Add-ins for EQMS Document Manager.

"The golden rule of software development is that the end product should always offer the user ways to save time and money.

There is no reason to purchase an application if it slows down your working day by adding extra cumbersome steps to a process.

New features added to an application as part of an update should always benefit rather than hinder progress. At Qualsys we are always striving to improve upon the success of EQMS, looking for ways to streamline the existing functionality to enhance the end user experience."

Microsoft Office

"The majority of documents our customers store in EQMS are Microsoft Office native formats; Word, Powerpoint and Excel. To support our MS Office users we have developed a set of EQMS Add-Ins for Microsoft Office, embellishments to the existing application that brings EQMS and Office together to create a fluid workflow.
I have been using the EQMS Add-Ins for some time now, and would like to explain how the additions have increased my productivity.
First of all, the ease of installing the EQMS Add-Ins made the process of getting started straight-forward, a couple of clicks and away I went! Once up and running an extra tab appeared in my ribbon menu of my MS Office applications, allowing me to open documents stored within EQMS merely by clicking on the relevant icon. Similarly, when it came to saving a document into EQMS all I had to do was click the ‘Upload to EQMS’ icon. In essence I now have access to documents held within EQMS without actually having to sign-in, and can search and download directly from my Office applications. Fantastic!
Going back to my original statement, that software development should always produce time and money saving advantages to the end user, I believe that with the Microsoft Office EQMS Add-Ins we have hit the mark in creating an advancement to EQMS that is a true time-saver. The control of vital organisational documents that EQMS has provided for the last 15 years still exists, but by embedding the EQMS document management functionality into Microsoft Office applications in this way we have bridged a gap between applications that saves time, and means fluid control of important organisational documentation is further improved."
To further understand the benefits of EQMS and the Microsoft Office EQMS Add-Ins to your organisation then please contact Qualsys by submitting a contact request on this page, or phoning on +44 (0) 114 282 3338


Topics: Microsoft Office Add-ins, Software, Document Management

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